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School Meals & Milk


Children have a choice of main courses and puddings which are well balanced and varied. There is always a meat and vegetarian option plus a salad bar and healthy pudding option. Meals are eaten in a cafeteria setting and the children are looked after by our team of lunchtime supervisors.

A school meal costs £2.75p for children in Key Stage 2 (Y3, 4 & 5) we encourage parents to pay on the on-line system ParentPay. School will issue you with a unique username and password to set up your account.

Click here for the ParentPay log in screen.

Pupils in Key Stage 1 (Rec,Y1,Y2) are all entitled to a Universal Free School Meal (UFSM) this is different to a Free School Meal (FSM) that children may be entitled to if parents are in receipt of benefits. Please could every family who think they may be entitled to free school meals (FSM) apply for them (it’s worth a try) as this in turn puts a reasonable size pot of money into the school budget? This way not only does the family benefit, school do too, and even if you don’t wish your child to have the meals school still receives the money. I hasten to emphasise that unlike the ‘old days’ none of the children are aware of who is or is not on free school meals.

Please click here for more information about Free School Meals.

Allergies and Special Diets

You must inform school of any allergies or specific food requirements your child may have. It is essential that school has this information, especially if you child has school dinners. We wil need to arrange for you to see the Catering Manager to agree on a individual approach for your child.

All children with allergies/special diets will need a diet careplan from a doctor or medical professional.

Packed Lunches

We encourage healthy eating in school so please do not include sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate in your child's packed lunch. 

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL*- Please do not send in any snacks or packed lunches containing nuts or peanuts as we have pupils in school with severe allergies.  This also includes ‘PESTO’ as this contains pine nuts.

Menu from September 2024 - March 2025

Sept - Mar 25 Menu

School Milk

Milk is available to all pupils in school as part of the School Food Plan

Currently children under the age of 5, have been receiving free milk at school, funded by the UK Government’s Nursery Milk Scheme.

When your child turns 5, milk continues to be available at a subsidised cost of around £18 per term, via our school milk supplier, Cool Milk.

Drinking a portion of milk at mid-morning break offers protein, calcium and other vital nutrients, important for children’s growth and development. It can also be a sensible way to bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch.

What You need To Do:

If your child is currently under 5

  • Your child is currently receiving free milk at school as part of the UK Government’s Nursery Milk Scheme.
  • Simply register and make payment with Cool Milk at least 10 days before your child turns 5 in order to continue with the scheme.

If your child is aged 5 or over

  • Visit www.coolmilk.com  at least 10 days before your child’s 5th birthday and select the ‘Register your child for milk here’ option on the main home page

After registration, you may then make a pre-payment via your online account for the remaining half term, term or academic year. You can also simply choose your own specified amount, should you wish to do so.

If your child is currently over the age of 5 and entitled to statutory free school meals, there is no need to register. Simply speak to the school office for further information.

All information handled by Cool Milk is processed in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The data will be stored securely on Cool Milk’s UK-based servers and will not be passed to third parties other than to UK Government departments for audit purposes.

Should you have any queries regarding your child’s registration or milk supply in general, please do not hesitate to contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248 or via email to customerservices@coolmilk.com.


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