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Welcome to Year 2 with Mrs Kew & Mrs Shepherd

On this page you will find information about events and activities which will be happening this year. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything, please either email or phone the school office. 


Our Teaching Assistants are Miss Daniels & Miss Whiteley

Reading days

In Class 2 the children will receive two reading books per week; one from our reading scheme and one from the reading realm. Your child will also receive a reading day. Please can you ensure your child has their reading books in school on their designated reading day, even if they have not finished.

Muddy Puddle and PE

Please remember that on our Muddy Puddle and PE day they need to come to school dressed in appropriate PE/ Muddy Puddle kit. The list of kit can be found on the Muddy Puddle / PE dates on the newsletter or on the website here

Ways you can help your child

Listening to your child read on a regular basis and asking questions about the book including making predictions and discussing their understanding of the text.

Encouraging your child to read in as many different contexts as possible.

Reading to your child as often as possible and discussing new vocabulary.

Helping your child to practise the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables using https://ttrockstars.com/.

Helping your child to practise their weekly spellings using https://www.edshed.com/en-gb

Supporting your child complete their weekly homework.

Helping your child with any further research they wish to do on the topics we have covered in school

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