Welcome from the Chair of Governors
On behalf of The Governing Body of Shepley First School, may I extend a warm welcome to you all.
Our Governing Body is committed to helping the school provide the best possible education for all its pupils.
Our purpose is to set the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, as well as agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of our resources.
Our role is to monitor and evaluate performance, act as a critical friend to the head teacher while supporting and challenging the management of the school. We must also strive to ensure that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, the local community, those who fund and maintain it as well as the staff it employs.
If you have any concerns or issues you wish to address please contact the school office in the first instance.
We look forward to working together to ensure that we continue to provide the best possible education for our children.
Lucy Bradley, Chair of Governors
The Governing Body meets once a term and has a two sub-committees which meet twice per term. The ‘curricular’ committee is responsible for everything to do with children’s education and wellbeing, the ‘non-curricular’ committee being responsible for premises, personnel and finance. Each discuss relevant issues and report back to the full Governing Body.
To contact the Chair of Governors, you can e-mail office@shepleyfirst.org or write to the Chair of Governors, Shepley First School, Firth Street, Shepley, Huddersfield, HD8 8DD.
Meet the Governors

At Shepley First School we recognise that diverse thoughts and perspectives are essential to good governance. We believe that it is important that as far as possible our Governing Board reflects the diversity of the community we serve.
Collectively we are gathering data on the diversity of our governors, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. We will use that data to inform recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.
Due to our relatively small Governing Board we do not publish this diversity data as individual Governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal information.