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Finance and Resources Committee

Mrs P Harris (Chair)

Mrs V E Hollingworth (Vice Chair)

Mrs B Adams

Mrs L Bradley

Dr L Sullivan

Mrs R Ward

Mrs D Holmes

E Kilner (Clerk)

Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Mr Steve Pitcher (Chair)

Mrs B Adams

Mrs L Bradley

Dr L Sullivan

Mrs L Richards

Mrs C Heywood

Mrs P Harris

Mr P Hollingdale

Mrs D Holmes

Mr R Magowan

Ms E Penny

E Kilner (Clerk)

Performance Management Committee                                                                             

Mrs L Bradley

Mr S Pitcher

Mr P Harris

Pay Committee

Mrs L Bradley

Mr S Pitcher

Mrs P Harris

Staff Dismissal Committee

Mrs P Harris

Mrs L Bradley

Appeals Committee

Dr L Sullivan

Mr P Hollingdale

Mrs L Richards

Complaints Committee

To be agreed as required.

Pupil Discipline Committee

Mr S Pitcher

Mrs V Hollingworth

Mrs P Harris

Governor Responsibilities

  • SEND, Safeguarding, Child Protection, On-line Safety and Attendance Governor – Mrs L Richards
  • Governor Training Contact – Dr L Sullivan                                                      
  • Governor for Children Looked After – Mr P Hollingdale
  • Early Years Governor – TBC
  • Pupil/Sport Premium Link Governor – Mrs V E Hollingworth, Mrs L Richards
  • Wellbeing Governor – Mrs L Bradley
  • Health and Safety Governor – Mrs V E Hollingworth
  • Finance Governor – Mrs V E Hollingworth
  • Quality of Education Governor – Mr S Pitcher
  • Human Resources, Website compliance and Policy Compliance Governor - Mrs P Harris
  • Parental Engagment, Communication & Risk Assessment Governor - Mrs R Ward
  • History Governor - Mrs L Richards
  • Science Governor - Dr L Sullivan
  • Physical Education Governor - Mr P Hollingdale
  • PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Governor - Mrs L Bradley
  • English (Writing & Early Reading) Governor - Mrs L Richards
  • Religious Education Governor - Mrs L Bradley
  • Equality Governor - Mrs L Bradley
  • Health & Safety Governor - Mrs V Hollingworth

Register of Business Interest for School Governors

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